Mini Stranger #14 - May Day Special

Tune in for a special Mini Stranger exploring some of the May Day traditions of Cambridgeshire and East Anglia. First, Ruth and Chris drink a locally sourced sloe gin fizz while learning about the significance of whitethorn, blackthorn, elder, and nettles in the old customs of Waterbeach. Then, a romp about the villages with Jack in the Green and the May Ladies. And finally, hear the rules of the strange old children’s game Honey Pots - who will scramble to the top of the pile for victory?

To make the sloe gin fizz, mix two parts sloe gin to one part lemon juice, one part sugar syrup, and if you fancy the foamy top, an egg white. Shake them up in a shaker with ice until your arms ache, then pour and top up with fizz of your choice. Delicious! You are now queen of the May!

Ruth McPhee