Episode 29 - The Peasenhall Murder Part 1: A Beard of Broccoli

May 31st, 1902 in the small village of Peasenhall, Suffolk. A dark and very stormy night was about to unfold, and by the end of it servant girl Rose Harsent would be dead in a pool of blood on her kitchen floor. Suspicion immediately turned to local foreman, religious enthusiast, and proud beard-wearer William Gardiner - but were the accusations based in firm evidence, or unfounded local gossip? Katy and Jo join Ruth as they try to piece together the clues, including a broken medicine bottle, a bundle of correspondence, and some shocking autopsy results. We drink a smorgasbord of concoctions involving peas, caramel, and Lidl’s finest ‘Bitterol.’

Peasenhall village sign photograph copyright Adrian Cable.

Ruth McPhee